Arts Access Grant for Older People
The aim of this grant is to support older persons groups to participate in arts activities in the County.
What do I need to know before I apply for this grant?
- This funding is to cover arts activities from January to December 2025.
- Before you begin your application, read the General Grant Scheme Guidelines so that you know the terms and conditions for funding from Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
- You cannot apply for funding for any arts activity you have already received funding for from the Council in the last 12 months.
- You may only submit one arts grant application. You cannot apply to more than one strand.
- Applications must be for activities or events taking place within Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County.
- These grants cannot be used to fund building programmes, third party grants, to cover loans or charity fundraising events.
- These grants cannot be used for the cost of capital equipment, for example computers, TV, musical instruments.
- These grants cannot be used to hire Council premises, international travel or third level education.
- No late applications will be accepted.
The application form will ask you to confirm that you have read the guidelines and are eligible to apply for this grant.
If you have any queries please contact us by email or by telephone (01) 236 2759.
Who can apply for an Arts Access Grant for Older People?
An older persons group, individual artist or service/organisation can apply for this funding. If an individual artist is applying to work with a group of older people they must have a letter from the group that they wish to work with. This letter must outline the groups wish to work with the artist and detail what the project/event is.
What is the Arts Access Grant for Older People to be used for?
This grant can only be used to support participation in arts activities by older persons groups. This could be any arts activity such as a series of dance workshops or creative writing sessions. These grants support local older persons groups to take part in and celebrate the arts in their local neighbourhood.
How much can I apply for?
You can apply for a maximum of €2,000. You can also apply for less than this, you can apply for as little as €100.
How do I apply?
If this is your first time applying for a grant on the portal, you will need to register with this website. You will need to fill in contact information for you or your group. Once you are registered you can hit the "Apply" button on the right hand side of this page.
Applications must include the following:
- A description of the older persons group.
- Details about what you will use the grant for. Please include as much detail as possible, we need to understand what you are proposing to use the funding for, when and where will the activity take place, who will benefit and why are you applying for funding?
- An outline budget, outlining the different costs for your activity and any other income (if you have other income).
- If you are an individual artist we also need a letter of support from the group that clearly states that they are interested in participating in the event/activity.
How will we select the successful applications?
Your application should describe for us the benefit that this grant will make to the older persons group.
We will use these criteria and marks to select the artists:
- Ability of the application to support older persons groups participate in arts activities (40/100)
- Quality of application (35/100)
- Feasibility of proposal (25/100)